Raw Sauerkraut affords shelf life

sauerkraut fermented food

Lacto-fermented vegetables are common throughout the world and are known by names such as sauerkraut and kim chi. Many Americans are familiar with the German-style sauerkraut, made with cabbages and often caraway seeds for flavoring. And many folks have heard of kim chi, which is very popular throughout Korea. Even in our neck of the woods, people can recall their grandparents fermenting cabbages in earthen crocks.

Raw Sauerkraut – an overview

Raw krauts are a highly-nutritious, pro-biotic food. They contain digestive enzymes, helpful lactic acid bacteria, and Vitamin C. The natural method for producing these vegetable ferments does not require cooking. In fact, the kraut is produced and sold raw/unpasteurized in order to maintain these nutritional benefits.


The process of lacto-fermentation is both a means of preservation and enhancement of nutrition and flavor. “Lacto” refers to lactobacillus, one of several bacteria involved in the ferment and acidification of vegetables. These bacteria are naturally occurring on the leaves and plant parts of common vegetables, such as cabbages. Perhaps the paramount benefit of such an enhanced food is the live, active enzymes that have been abundantly produced during the fermentation. These digestive enzymes supplement or substitute for enzymes in other foods lost through cooking, overheating, etc. By receiving this supplemental dose of enzymes, our digestive systems are freed of the energetic burden of producing enzymes. Our digestive systems receive a health benefit and more energy remains available for immune function and basic everyday activities. It is readily apparent, the benefit of eating raw, lacto-fermented vegetables. One experiences easier digestion and more energy.

Kraut up closeWhen eating raw sauerkraut, the portion size is modest. The saying “much doesn’t help much” is applicable here. Enzymes act as catalysts in our digestion and are needed in sufficient quantities. We will receive the enzyme benefit of raw krauts in portions as small as a couple tablespoons. And, if you are unaccustomed to eating raw sauerkraut, it may be best to eat small for starters, as the acidity/low pH and otherwise healthy, lactic acid bacteria can be unfamiliarly active and stimulating to the digestive.

The natural, safe, preservation by acidification of lacto-fermented vegetables affords a long-lasting “shelf life.” In most cases, the food would be consumed well before it would suffer any complete loss in quality. In order to maintain shelf life and product safety, serve with clean utensils. After portioning, use the utensil to push down unused veggies, so they are infused with brine, or else, form a mass in the lower part of the container. Raw krauts should keep for about a year under refrigeration.

Enjoy the unique sour flavors that develop in naturally-fermented krauts. Unlike none other, these flavors offer other options for creative meals and new experiences for the curious pallette. Treat yourself to the best in fun and nutritious eating!

Kombucha at Home

kombucha tea at home

Kombucha – an overview

The Chinese call Kombucha the ‘Immortal Health Elixir’. I am sure that this gives you somewhat of a hint as to what this is all about. It is packed full of goodness. There is a reason why it has been consumed for over 2,000 years, after all! Kombucha is a traditional, fermented tea made with a particular Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeasts (SCOBY), often referred to as a “mother,” or scientifically, as Fungus japonicus. This floating, cellulose-encased culture turns a sweetened tea (often black tea) into an energizing, refreshing, tangy drink. Kombucha contains digestive enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, and glucuronic acid. It is fermented to taste, and over time, the sweetness gives way to sour. And, depending on the extent of fermentation, residual sugars and caffeine may remain in the finished beverage.

What is Kombucha?

It is a fermented drink. It consists of black tea and sugar. The sugar comes from various natural sources. This means that Kombucha may contain honey, fruit, and cane sugar. This mix, once fermented, contains a ton of awesome stuff. This includes V vitamins, enzymes, some probiotics, and some bacteria which are there to help protect your cells from damage.

I am not going to go into everything that can be found in Kombucha because, quite frankly, it does not actually matter. What matters is that there is a wealth of benefits to Kombucha, and that is what the rest of this page will be dedicated to.

Kombucha Teakombucha tea

Some kombucha teas have added juices, flavors, or sweeteners. Vitalitea is fermented to a moderately strong taste, at which point the characteristic flavors of kombucha shine through without the need for dilution or addition.
The ingredients are organic sugars and teas, reverse osmosis water, and the kombucha culture. The tea is fermented in large glass jars for approximately six weeks. Make your own kombucha tea at home, where you can enjoy the whole experience, and drink as often as you like.

Disease Prevention

It is not going to help to prevent every single disease. It is a miracle drink, but it is not that much of a miracle. However, because it is packed to the brim with antioxidants, it can help to protect the body against some disease, particularly those which start in the gut.
In addition to this, if you are suffering from a condition that causes inflammation, then the Kombucha can help to tone down that inflammation somewhat. It is believed that this is the reason why Kombucha can help combat some forms of cancer.

Restores Balance in the Digestive System

If you wish for your body to absorb all the nutrients from the food that you are consuming, then the gut needs to be in good working condition. There are plenty of different things which can throw it out of sync. The healthy bacteria packed into Kombucha help a long way towards restoring this balance. It is not going to be the ‘only’ solution, but it will certainly help.

Can Assist With Mental Conditions

B vitamins can be found in Kombucha. These B vitamins, particularly B12, are known for increasing mental wellbeing. In fact, there is some evidence that Kombucha can help when it comes to dealing with depression and related conditions.

Prevents Lung Disease

Some studies have looked at the inhalation of Kombucha in a way to combat lung disease. However, you should be able to get the same benefits from drinking it. Kombucha is known to help prevent conditions such as silicosis. The studies are still in their earliest possible stages, but the evidence that we have thus far is quite promising.

Prevents Infections

The good bacteria found in Kombucha is known for being able to fight off bad bacteria, much in the same way as an antibiotic. So, if you have an infection, then you may find that it is especially beneficial to consume Kombucha regularly. It is known to help fight E. coli, staph, salmonella, and other types of food poisoning.